First BIM pilot project A14 of the Free State of Saxony
The project BAB A14 Nossen-Magdeburg, replacement new construction BW 19Ü1 was started as the first BIM pilot project of the Free State of Saxony in 2018 and completed in 2021. On behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany represented by the Free State of Saxony (LASuV) and, since 2021, Autobahn GmbH, A+S Consult GmbH took over the BIM consulting and BIM management for the pilot project.
The pilot project was intended to examine various elements in the road network of the Free State. The choice fell to the junction of the S 37 state road with the A 14 federal highway, where the S 37 was to be upgrade in the affected area in accordance with the guidelines. The focus was on creating a model that included both above-ground and underground elements. Among other things, a subsoil model was created. The model was prepared so that it could be networked with a construction process. The quantities were calculated from the outset with a view to networking with cost tables and a dynamic link with the geometric design in order to be able to take their impact on the economic efficiency of the project into account. All calculations and the creation of the model were carried out using the KorFin® platform.
As part of the project, interfaces of publicly accessible basic data were used, but the exchange of planning data based on IFC was also tested. At the same time, there was extensive communication and collaboration with buildingSMART in pre-standardization process in the networking with cost tables as part of the traffic routes working group.