Planning workshop for the DB Netz AG
On the 17th of March, 2018, the first full-day public workshop on the Hanau-Würzburg/Fulda expansion and new construction project took place in Frankfurt am Main.
Since 2015, A+S has been working together with the environmental and land-use planner Professor Dr. Sporbeck on this most important, but also busiest railway line in Germany. KorFin is used as a central GIS and planning basis to investigate and optimize a large number of variants, taking into account all the digital sources available. Open BIM in land-use planning and pre-planning for all trades!
The goal of the workshop was to present in more detail the planning results which had been previously presented at the previous Dialogue Forum on the 5th of March, as well as to answer question and to enter into a dialogue with all participants. To this end, the members of the working group and stakeholders met met at the premises of DB Netz AG for individual workshop sessions on the topics of the environment, land-use, noise and transportation objectives. The results were then presented to mayors, environmental associations, citizens' initiatives and administrative experts from the technical offices by Mr. Bolte, head of large projects in the central region at the DB Netz AG in Frankfurt am Main and Dr. Domke, technical project manager of the Hanau-Würzburg/Fulda project, and his planning team. In order to help cope with the high number of participants, Matthias Just, A+S's division manager for railways, and other BIM specialists from A+S supported the German Railways - directly in the KorFin platform.
In the evening, DB Netz AG summarized the event in glowing terms: "This is a completely new level of transparency in the dialogue with the public. As much information as was just shared - this is unique by the railway and a great success."